Friday, January 29, 2010

More Quilting Fabric?

After looking at all the fabric I have right now, I've decided to not buy any new fabric, unless absolutely necessary to finish a project, bag/purse. I need to use up some of my stash. We all know how that is suppose to work, right?! Well today I had, yes I will say I "had", to go into a quilt shop to pick up some door prizes for our upcoming quilt retreat. I decided that if I didn't have my purse or any money with me, and that included the checkbook and credit card, that I wouldn't buy any fabric!

I walked around, stroking the fabric, dreaming of what I could make with this fabric or that one, saw some new fabrics I haven't seen before, some new patterns, but I did not buy anything! Oh how I wanted to!! Those fairy frost fabrics just sparkled and screamed, "BUY ME!" And the new line she got in had me salivating!! But I stayed strong and resisted going out to the vehicle to get my purse and money.

I did tell the store owner why I wasn't buying anything and that maybe next time I come I may have some money to spend. Now I just have 1 more quilt store I have to go to in the next week to pick up their door prizes. This store we are going to visit during our quilt retreat. One or two days of the retreat, we drive the 20 minutes to the store. I will be ready when we go in a few weeks with a $40 gift certificate and one of their purchase cards worth another $30.

Now, to just resist the temptations of the fabrics that call to me when I enter a quilt store. I guess I'm really a quilter!


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